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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

# 02 - A Study of Integrated Management System – IMS - Benefits of Integrated Management System


# 02 - A Study of Integrated Management System – IMS

Benefits of Integrated Management System

There are several benefits of implementing an Integrated Management System in an organization. An Integrated Management System refers to the seamless integration of two or more management systems standards into a common management system that meets the requirements of each of the standards integrated to the IMS that allows the organization to work with a holistic approach. While it can be difficult to comply the requirements of two or more management systems standards in a unified system, however organizations use IMS as a panacea of all ills as if the IMS will make the management systems more efficient.  Benefits derived from implementing an IMS may be summarized as under:

-          Improvement of business focus and performance,

-          Meeting two or more management systems requirements with one set of documented information (policies and procedures),

-          Holistic approach to manage business risk,

-          Minimizing duplication of work and bureaucracy,

-          More efficient and effective internal audits as well as external audits,

-          Human resource savings,

-          Decreasing management cost,

-          Time saving,

-          Savings in total implementation cost,

-          Clear understanding of the organization’s overall policy and objectives,

-          Efficiency improvement and effectiveness of the system,

-          Communication (internal as well as external) improvement

-          Reduction in certification cost etc.


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Keshav Ram Singhal

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Keshav Ram Singhal
Committed for Creating Awareness

# 01 - A Study of Integrated Management System – IMS

 # 01 - A Study of Integrated Management System – IMS


An Integrated Management System (IMS) combines or merges all aspects of an organization’s systems, processes and Standards into one smart system. The combination or merger allows the business to streamline its management, save time and increase efficiency by addressing and implementing all requirements of the management systems as a whole. As such, an IMS is known as a system that combines or merges the components of organization’s business into one system by implementing the requirements of two or more management systems standards, such as, ISO 9001:2015 QMS, ISO 14001:2015 EMS, ISO 14001:2018 OH&SMS, ISO 50001:2018 EnMS etc.


When an organization implements more than one management systems, it is necessary to reduce duplication of work and eliminate redundancy in the organization’s systems. For this an understanding of common requirements and expectations will save time and manpower.


There are a number of common requirements in various Management System Standards, such as:

-          Policy,

-          Objectives,

-          Competence and awareness of personnel,

-          Communication,

-          Documented information,

-          Internal audit,

-          Management review,

-          Continual improvement

-          Non-conformity and corrective action


Common requirements of these different standards (ISO 9001:2015 QMS, ISO 14001:2015 EMS, ISO 14001:2018 OH&SMS, ISO 50001:2018 EnMS) may be addressed by a common documented information (e. g. procedures and work instructions).


Now a days many organizations, all over the world, are implementing an integration approach by merging QMS, EMS, OH&SMS and EnMS. A few organizations also implement ISO/IEC 27001:2013 ISMS (Information Security Management Systems) in their IMS. However, in this series, we will cover only QMS, EMS, OH&SMS and EnMS.


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Best wishes,

Keshav Ram Singhal